Nestled in the heart of Manhattan Beach, The Beehive is an enchanting boutique that radiates youthful energy, playfulness, and the spirit of sun-kissed vacations. Founded by Dana and Nancy McFarland, the dynamic duo behind our sister store, Wright’s.
The Beehive is a delightful extension of Dana & Nancy’s vision, offering a refreshing and vibrant selection of clothing and accessories that cater to those seeking a slightly more whimsical and carefree aesthetic. Our curated collections at The Beehive are inspired by the effortless elegance of Manhattan Beach, staying true to the roots of our coastal community.
We pride ourselves on our close relationships with both our customers and our designers. Our team goes above and beyond to deliver a personalized and exceptional shopping experience for each individual who walks through our doors or visits our online store. We cherish the connections we've made through our beautiful little shop and we're excited to share our spirited hometown boutique with the rest of the world through thebeehivemb.com
If you like The Beehive, check out our sister store down the street: Wright’s